Ken Robl Conservation Park
The conceptual planning for the Ken Robl Conservation Park (KRCP) began in 2014 as the Solid Waste Management Board (SWMB) refined the Snell Road closed landfill end use plans. Development areas, site beautification, visitor use, wildlife habitat, and partnerships were all considered. The SWMB hired Foth Infrastructure & Environmental with consultant SmithGroupJJR to develop site plans and conduct site surveys. The Winnebago County Parks Department also assisted the SWMB to determine recreational needs for the community and provide future park operations and maintenance. In 2015, the SWMB approved a Resolution to name the future Conservation Park after long-time SWMB Member and environmentalist, Ken Robl.
Development of the KRCP offers numerous benefits to citizens and visitors of Winnebago County. The SWMB determined that the KRCP shall:
Offer educational opportunities that focus on solid waste and recycling programs.
Support community outdoor recreation programs.
Become a showcase example for a landfill end use plan that benefits the community.

The KRCP first phase of planning and development was finalized in late 2017. In 2018, the SWMB opened access to an 8-acre pond on the northwest side of the property by installing a 1-mile gravel walking path. A fishing pier and stone steps at water level makes fishing access even easier. The walking trails will lead visitors through naturalized green space and encircle the pond. Educational stations will be featured along the path, giving visitors opportunities to explore the property and learn about:
The SWMB's mission, programs and role within the community.
Key elements in landfill operations, maintenance and end use planning.
The benefits of recycling and reuse examples.
A dedication event was held on July 18, 2018 and the Winnebago County Parks Department now manages the KRCP on behalf of the SWMB. Interpretive/educational signage will be designed and installed in 2020 to showcase the key elements of solid waste management and recycling along with the wildlife viewing aspects the KRCP provides. The park is located at 3396 Walter Street, Oshkosh and open April 1 - November 1, 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Click here to view or print an educational brochure designed by a local high school student as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project.